Guangsheng & Partners Law Offices

Our Talent Concepts:

Core Concept: Talents are the power source of law firms, and the talents of law firms are valuable resources of the whole society.

With the enthusiasm and dedication of lawyers, the development and growth of law firms can be achieved.

Basic Requirements: abiding by the law, understanding the law, using the law, knowing the law, preferable with keeping good relations with peers

Upgrade Requirements: Knowing what customers want, solving What difficulties customers encounter.

Our Attitude: Law firm as a stage, waiting you as an actor, and G&P welcomes you to join us.

Talent Concepts with Industry Characteristics:

As a member of society, the lawyers should abide by the basic norms of social requirements; as a legal expert, the lawyers should shoulder the lofty missions of safeguarding the correct implementation of national laws and the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, and should have the professional quality required by their positions.

So-called lawyer profession quality, one should have good business quality.
In this regard, the lawyers should master the basic legal knowledge and be skilled in their application, maintain the necessary knowledge and skills, and participate in continuing research and education.

So-called lawyer profession quality, the second should have outstanding ability quality
In this regard, the lawyers should strive to improve the foreign language proficiency, master a wealth of economic and technological knowledge; exercise strong oral expression ability; cultivate rigorously logical thinking and flexible adaptability; have a certain literary accomplishment; have good public relations and interpersonal skills; and have a healthy psychological quality.

So-called lawyer profession quality, the third should have excellent professional ethics
Virtue without talent may be misleading, but talent without morality can be bad thing. If a lawyer's morality is derailed and misbehaved, he/she will trample on the dignity of the law and tarnish the honor of the lawyer's profession. Good professional ethics and noble sentiment are the Constitution and lifeline of lawyers' profession.

In this regard, the lawyer should be faithful to the law and facts; dedicated and diligent, abide by their duties; honest and self-discipline, abide by norms; speaking up and right-minded, be modest and prudent, and be honest with others.
Serving the society with excellent comprehensive quality and serving the people and the future.


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